One Total Health

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Occlusal Disease: What Is It?

Occlusal disease, or OD for short, is the deteriorative process that results from teeth that aren’t properly aligned. Your dental health can be severely impacted by occlusal disease, which is a leading cause of tooth loss. It is estimated that as many as 70% of patients with occlusal illness are unaware that they have it. If your teeth are healthy and functioning normally, you may not notice the more subtle symptoms. However, if the occlusal disease isn’t treated, it might have devastating repercussions.

If you have any further questions, make an appointment with a denturist in Surrey.


Occlusal illness has multiple root causes. They include the most common ones like:

  • Chin is too far forward
  • Teeth that are not straight
  • Constant, unconscious grinding
  • Gritting one’s teeth

The teeth, jaw joint, and supporting muscles all work together in a well-balanced bite. But if your bite is off, your teeth, joints, and muscles will all take more of a beating than they should. The teeth, jaw joints, or muscles may all be affected by persistent bite problems.


Like other dental issues like gum disease and cavities, occlusal disease can be efficiently treated if caught early on.

The following are some of the most often reported signs of occlusal disease:

  • The teeth’s biting surfaces show signs of wear and tear, such as being too short in the front or too flat in the back.
  • flaws in your teeth’s enamel, such as pits or cracks
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Headaches, neck pain, or jaw muscle pain that comes on frequently.
  • Making clicking or popping noises with the jaw during mealtime or conversation.
  • A shifting or lost tooth
  • Sensitivity of teeth to heat and cold increases

In what ways can occlusal disease be identified?

You should see your dentist to determine if you have occlusal disease. Your dentist will look for symptoms of this oral health disease during a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and jaws. Symptoms of occlusal illness can be pinpointed through a thorough examination of the jaw joint, bite alignment, and head and neck muscles.

However, occlusal disease may be detected by a brief dental history inquiry. In order to stop OD from progressing into a difficult dental issue, it is crucial to diagnose it correctly and in a timely manner.

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