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Dental implants in Lakewood Ranch: Restore your smile permanently

Despite all the improvements in preventive and restorative care, people still suffer tooth loss. If you are missing more than a couple of your teeth, you may want to consider options like dentures and dental implants. The latter is regarded as a benchmark for replacing missing teeth permanently. If you have scheduled a consultation at a Lakewood Ranch dental care practice, your dentist will explain the pros and cons. In this post, we have shared a few aspects that should help in making a decision.

Knowing dental implants

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root that’s made of titanium. It is placed in the jawbone surgically, and with the healing process, the dental implant is secured in place. It works as the base for an abutment, which anchors the replacement teeth. There are three components of a dental implant – post, abutment, and restoration. The abutment works as a buffer to secure the restoration.

Benefits of dental implants

There are several benefits of dental implants. Firstly, the treatment will help improve oral function and enhance aesthetics. Because the implant takes the place of the missing tooth root, there is no further loss of jawbone, which can help retain your facial structure. Once the dental implants are in place, your remaining teeth will not drift out of position. For many people, the treatment helps avoid the need for dentures, which are known to be flimsy and can move around.

“Can I get dental implants?”

Your dentist will complete an oral exam to determine whether you can benefit from dental implants. The eventual goal is to save your natural teeth, but if there is no other way to achieve that, dental implants may work better than dentures. If you are an active smoker or have a history of heart conditions or lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, your dentist may have to order additional tests to find more details.

An overview of the All-on-4 Technique

If you are missing all your natural teeth, your dentist may consider the All-on-4 technique for replacement. Instead of multiple implants, an entire arch of teeth will be mounted on two dental implants on both the upper and lower jaws. All-on-4 dentures are famed for functionality, and because only four implants are being used, the healing process doesn’t take as long.

Today, many clinics in Lakewood Ranch rely extensively on advanced tech to create 3D models for restoring the smile using dentures. Talk to your dentist today.

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