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CHAS: Eligibility and Application

CHAS (also known as Community Health Assist Scheme) gives Singapore citizens, including Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders access to subsidies for dental or medical care at participating dental and general practitioner  (GP) clinics.

If you are considering getting CHAS health screening, you should check with your doctor about the possible charges as it can vary depending on a few factors. Aside from getting subsidies at CHAS clinics, MG, and PG cardholders can also enjoy subsidized referrals at SOCs or Specialist Outpatient Clinics.

For those individuals with chronic conditions, CHAS works with the Chronic Disease Management Programme or CDMP so MediSave can be used for outpatient treatment. This allows them to tap on Medisave to cover part of their treatment. For CHAS health screening, check with your CHAS GP clinic on the tests offered.

Although every Singapore citizen is considered eligible for CHAS, enrolment is on application basis. To enjoy CHAS subsidies, households need to submit an application first. Those with Public Assistance (PA) cards won’t need to apply for CHAS as they can avail of full CHAS subsidies by simply showing their PA card.

CHAS Application Process

In observance of safe distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, applying for CHAS online is encouraged. Singaporean citizens over 21 years old can also apply online on behalf of the other members of the household. A hard copy of the application can also be downloaded online.

Once the application process has been downloaded, the form as well as any supporting documents should be mailed. The application process will typically take 15 working days from the

What to Do Upon Successful Application

Successful applicants and household members will be given a CHAS card that will indicate the subsidy tier they are eligible for. In addition, they will also receive a welcome pack that contains information on how they can use the CHAS card. Cards have a 2-year validity unless otherwise stated.

It is recommended that CHAS cardholders work with the same doctor so they have someone familiar with their family and personal medical history. This also makes it a lot easier for doctors to accurately, effectively, and holistically manage the patient’s medical condition.

CHAS Subsidies

The CHAS card color will indicate the subsidy tier that cardholders will be entitled to. The CHAS card colors are blue, orange, and green. All Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) seniors will also get special subsidies at selected CHAS clinics. The amount paid will be based on the clinic fees minus the subsidy.

Understandably, the cost can vary from one person to another and will depend on important factors like the clinic charges and the condition of the patient. It is recommended that cardholders check with CHAS affiliated clinics the amount they are likely to pay as well as their claim limits.

It is important to remember that when you use your MG/PG/and CHAS cards, you agree to allow dentists/doctors to disclose your personal information to the Ministry of Health (MOH) as well as to its authorized agents. It would be ideal to visit the CHAS website for all other details on the patient consent clauses.

All participating CHAS dental clinics and GPs will prominently display the CHAS sticker. You have the option to visit your preferred CHAS clinic. However, it is recommended that you consult/visit the same doctor for better care management. You can also call your preferred clinic for the different services available.

To avail of subsidies for treatment at CHAS clinics, you need to present your MG, PG, NRIC, or CHAS card during your visit. Those who are 15 years old and below are required to present a birth certificate or a student ID together with their CHAS card.

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