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The Causes and Treatments of Fatigue

Fatigue is a state of physical and mental tiredness. It has been defined as “an overwhelming desire to sleep, combined with an inability to do so.” It is a subjective feeling and not all that easy to describe. Some people may experience fatigue as a strong need for sleep, whereas others feel sleepy but cannot relax or rest properly. In addition, different individuals may have various reasons for feeling fatigued. For example, it may be the physical exertion of a given task, such as driving for long distances. It could also be a reaction to an external factor such as high temperatures or humidity or an illness like influenza.

While it is normal to experience fatigue every once in a while, you should consider seeing a Lawrenceville fatigue specialist if it becomes chronic or persistent.

What causes fatigue?

Fatigue is a common symptom in various medical conditions. These include anemia, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, HIV/AIDS, and hypothyroidism. It can also be a symptom of an acute illness, such as the flu.

Low iron levels in the blood, vitamin B12, or folate can cause fatigue due to anemia. In addition, COPD can lead to fatigue because it disturbs oxygen supply to vital organs and muscles. Diabetes is another disorder that can cause tiredness because it interrupts the body’s ability to break down glucose and use it as an energy source.

Stress is a psychological factor that can lead to fatigue. When the body is under stress, it releases certain hormones to help fight or flee from the source of threat. These hormones temporarily raise your energy level to respond to the threat. However, when the danger is gone, the body’s energy level drops.

Fatigue can also be caused by injury or disorder of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). MS attacks the central nervous system (CNS) and causes it to become inflamed. When this happens, you may feel tired because the brain cannot process information correctly.

How is Fatigue Treated?

A fatigue specialist can perform a physical exam to find out the cause of your fatigue. Your doctor may recommend blood tests, X-rays, or other imaging scans if they suspect there might be an underlying medical condition that’s causing it.

You should get plenty of rest and take some time off work. If you are experiencing fatigue as a symptom of depression, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants. In some chronic conditions such as heart failure, COPD, and MS, staying as fit as possible is the best way to fight fatigue.

To relieve fatigue symptoms temporarily, you can try taking a hot bath or going for a walk in a park. You can also have a short nap or a power nap during the day. Fighting fatigue is vital to prevent it from developing into chronic fatigue syndrome, impairing your daily functions and ability to work.

In summary, fatigue is a state of physical and mental tiredness. It is mainly caused by medical conditions such as cancer, anemia, and COPD, but it can also come about due to depression and stress, nervous system disorders, and diabetes. After identifying the cause of fatigue, your doctor can recommend a treatment such as antidepressants. You can also fight fatigue at home by taking power naps, time off work, and taking a walk.

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