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Feel Like Your Tooth Might Be Abscessed?  Ways to Reduce Pain

A tooth abscess is a painful infection that forms at the tooth’s root and frequently happens as a result of untreated cavities or gingivitis. Everyone should be aware of how to treat the excruciating pain that comes with an abscessed tooth since everyone who has experienced it can attest to how bad it hurts. Contacting a family dentist in Greenbelt is definitely the first step, though.

Painful Toothaches: At-Home Treatments

There are several at-home treatments that can provide momentary relief from toothache or pain, but you should consult your dentist before using them.

  • Clove Oil

Clove oil, a main ingredient in many dental treatments, is the best at-home remedy for tooth discomfort. It is a natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that reduces pain and inflammation.

  • Willow Bark

According to some studies, willow bark has been shown to help with pain alleviation by lowering inflammation. Salicin, the primary component of aspirin and a component of willow bark, has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Compressing Cold

Some oral pain conditions can be helped by applying a cold compress. If a trauma causes your toothache, applying a cold compress will reduce swelling and inflammation and temporarily relieve your pain.

  • Rinse with Saltwater

Another remedy for a toothache is to rinse your mouth with salt water. Inflammation will naturally be reduced, and saltwater will enhance wound healing. 

  • Rinse with Hydrogen peroxide.

Inflammation and pain associated with teeth may also be relieved by a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. The saltwater rinse can be substituted with this.

  • Oil or a Peppermint Tea Bag

There is proof that peppermint can aid with a variety of pain relief. Put a steeped tea bag in the freezer for a few minutes and apply it to the painful area if you have a toothache.

  • Thyme

Thyme’s antibacterial and antioxidant properties are strong. In order to relieve pain, put some thyme oil on a cotton ball and apply it immediately to the area. Additionally, thyme oil can be used as a mouthwash by mixing a few drops of it with water in a glass.

  • Garlic

Generally, garlic has allicin. It has antibacterial and antibiotic properties. Smash or swallow the garlic clove to get the necessary allicin benefits. Garlic powder will not possess the same healing qualities as garlic.

  • Topical Analgesics

Gels, creams, liquids, and swabs sold over the counter for pain management can also provide short-term pain relief. These treatments often include several active chemicals, including benzocaine, which will temporarily numb the area.

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