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What Are the Different Types of Fractures?

Millions of people in the United States suffer from fractures or broken bones every year. Fractures commonly occur due to sports injuries or unexpected accidents; such as falls or vehicle collisions. Particular medical issues could also raise your risk of breaking a bone. However, regardless of the cause of your bone fracture, the board-certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons at Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP, can assist. At the cutting-edge clinic in East Brunswick, New Jersey, the practitioners offer various services, ranging from conservative immobilization with a cast, splint, or brace to surgery. For expert care for fractures in East Brunswick, NJ, call the office or request an appointment online.

What Are the Indications of a Fracture?

 A fracture also referred to as a broken bone, is a prevalent injury. Although symptoms can vary from person to person, some of the most typical signs of a fracture include:

  • Instant pain
  • Inflammation
  • Trouble moving or using the affected area or adjacent joints
  • Bruising or redness
  • Clear deformity

The signs and symptoms of a broken bone can be mistaken with those of other health concerns. Thus, obtaining a solid diagnosis from Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP is essential.

What Are the Various Forms of Fractures?

The human body has over 200 bones. Thus, there are several variants and types of fractures, and the path of your treatment and rehabilitation will be dictated by which bone broke. The three primary types include:

Open Fracture

An open fracture is one wherein a shattered bone has broken through the skin. Occasionally, the bone can be seen through the wound. Open fractures may get infected and demand immediate surgical cleansing and care.

Often, open fractures necessitate surgical intervention. The first line of treatment is debridement, which involves removing all extraneous pollutants and damaged tissue from the incision. After cleaning the wound, the surgeon inserts rods and screws into the bone to keep it in position whilst it heals.

Closed Fracture

Closed fractures neither pierce the skin nor pose the same infection risk as open fractures. They are not normally regarded as emergencies, but they still need to be treated right away. Fracture blisters may develop due to the damage caused by these fractures to the adjacent soft tissue.

Depending on the extent of the injury, there are various care alternatives for closed fractures. To evaluate the damage and determine therapy, your doctor might perform advanced diagnostic tests, for instance, using an X-ray. The most typical treatment is the immobilization of the wounded area with a cast. However, surgery to realign the bone may also be necessary.

Displaced Fracture

A displaced fracture is a shattered bone that has shifted so far out of position that the two ends are no longer aligned. This renders it more difficult to fix the fracture with immobilization alone, necessitating surgery.


Broken bones can be further classified into the following subcategories:

  • Pathologic fracture- fractures triggered by an illness that weakens the bone, for instance, osteoporosis
  • Stress fracture- a fine, hairline break that is difficult to detect on x-ray
  • Greenstick fractures – these fractures are only seen in youngsters and refer to bones that have bent but not fractured entirely
  • Transverse fracture- a horizontal fracture in the long shaft/segment of the bone
  • Comminuted fracture- fractures that break into three or more fragments

If you suppose you might have a fracture, do not hesitate to seek care. Contact Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP over the phone or use the online booking tool to schedule a consultation right away.

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