One Total Health

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Driving Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace

For people who take regular drugs, it is easy to detect those molecules by testing the samples of body tissues and fluids such as:

  • Blood
  • Saliva
  • Urine
  • Hair

In workplaces, while performing drug tests, saliva and urine are usually preferred as they can be obtained very easily.  Prefer to choose a drug test kits from DrugTestKitUSA, available at a very low price.

What are the advantages of drug testing at work?

1) Employee safety

Workers are entitled to a secure work environment. Drunk people are more likely to have accidents, which increases the risk of using equipment, machinery, or transit. Working while under the influence is forbidden, the same as driving while intoxicated.

2) Increased productivity and quality

Evaluating candidates’ abilities and openness to learning is crucial while hiring. Adopting a policy requiring drug testing at work helps guarantee that applicants are not impacted by substance misuse, which can enhance output and quality of work.

3) Reduce health insurance costs

Workers who struggle with substance misuse are more likely to experience health problems and accidents at work, which raises insurance costs because of the larger number of claims.

Through the implementation of drug and alcohol testing policies, employers can minimize insurance claims and efficiently treat substance misuse issues.

4) Reduced staff turnover and recruitment costs

People who struggle with substance misuse typically change professions three times a year, which results in expensive recruiting and training procedures. Drug screening new employees helps reduce staff turnover and prevents driving away skilled workers.

By establishing a drug and alcohol policy, hiring and training expenses are reduced, and a steady, good work atmosphere is fostered.

5) Reduced staff absenteeism

Given that drug and alcohol abusers are 2.5 times more likely to miss eight or more days of work annually, workplace drug and alcohol testing programs effectively lower absenteeism. This has negative effects on staff morale and creates a financial strain, both of which can negatively affect the workplace atmosphere.

6) Reduced work-related accidents

Workplace Health and Safety policies protect employees through practices like wearing high-visibility shirts and steel-capped boots. Accidents do, however, still occur.

Addiction to drugs and alcohol raises the chance of accidents and therefore, implementing a workplace drug and alcohol policy and regularly testing employees can lower incident rates. Workers’ compensation claims may be impacted by post-accident testing and may result in prompt action.

7) Reduced workplace conflicts

Regular drinkers and drug addicts frequently display agitation, unreasonable conduct, and mood swings, which can cause friction at work and low morale.

Adopting a drug and alcohol policy makes the workplace safe and peaceful, enables you to see problems early on and take proactive measures to resolve them, and improves the overall atmosphere.

8) Protect the reputation of your business

Implementing a Drug and Alcohol Policy fosters a proactive work environment with several benefits:

  • Employees perceive your business as safe and productive.
  • Ensures no customer interactions under drug or alcohol influence.
  • Promotes a healthier workplace.
  • Deters substance abuse.

9) Fewer thefts and claims

Employees who take drugs may turn to theft or fraud as a way to support their addictions. Frequent drug and alcohol testing can protect your company and discourage such behavior.

By identifying substance abusers, you may protect your assets and place of employment by taking preemptive steps to stop possible theft or fraud.

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