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Abdominal Pain in Children: Symptoms to Pay Attention to in Frisco

As a parent, you always want your child to be healthy. That is why you need to partner with a Frisco pediatrician you can trust and easily go to whenever your child is unwell or for wellness checkups. You must keep an eye on any problems and feed your child a proper diet. If your little one experiences abdominal pain, it may be due to different causes. This pain can be a serious concern and you may not be able to determine what might be causing it. 

Sometimes, the problem is minor and tends to disappear without medical intervention. Other times, you must see a pediatrician. But if the issue is serious enough, it may be time for a trip to the emergency room. Read on to learn how to recognize abdominal pain in your child and what action you must take:

Minor Problems

Often, abdominal pain in children is not serious. It can be due to flu or other minor health issues. Serious abdominal pain can result from food poisoning; however, this pain can disappear in around 24 hours. If abdominal pain is accompanied by mild symptoms like fever, aches, stuffy nose, and chills, there is nothing you should worry about. Make sure your little one gets lots of bed rest, consumes plenty of water, as well as eats bland foods such as toast and crackers. If their pain persists after 24 hours or they experience other symptoms after one week, take them to their doctor. 

Symptoms that Warrant a Visit to a Doctor

Sometimes, the condition of a child is severe enough to warrant a pediatrician’s visit. You should be worried about moving abdominal pain. For any minor issues, the pain must be located in the stomach’s general area. If the pain is felt in one area, this may mean a problem with an internal organ. 

In addition, you must see a doctor if your child shows serious versions of symptoms. For instance, diminished appetite is expected when your child is sick; however, it is a different story if they have lost appetite for at least three days. 


If your child shows very serious symptoms, seek out emergency care at a local hospital. If your child has symptoms such as blood vomit or feces, very little urine volume, frequent vomiting for several days, fainting, seizures, distended abdomen, or intensified pain when touched, they require emergency attention. Your child may have appendicitis, gastroenteritis, bowel obstruction, intussusception, or an infection. Further tests can identify the cause of their abdominal pain. 

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