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What to Know About Balanitis: Prevention and Treatment Options

Balanitis is the swelling of the head of the penis or clitoris caused by infection or a different factor. It may cause discomfort and pain, but it is generally not a serious issue. Signs of a constricted foreskin and discomfort during urination are common. Balanitis is not contagious in itself, but the infection that caused it can be passed from person to person. It is typically seen on uncircumcised penises and is not classified as a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Typically, the treatment entails identifying and dealing with the root cause to avoid future occurrences.

What Is A Balanitis Infection?

Balanitis is discomfort and swelling of the tip of the penis caused by an infection of the skin on the head of the penis. A variety of factors can cause balanitis. Although candida balanitis, also known as yeast infection, is a common cause of balanitis, bacterial infections can also be a contributing factor.

Besides poor hygiene, balanitis can also be caused by a reaction to latex condoms, allergies to certain medications, and sexually transmitted diseases. Balanitis can be managed with the use of antibiotics and antifungal creams. However, if these medical interventions prove ineffective, urologists frequently recommend circumcision as the optimal solution for alleviating balanitis symptoms.

A balanitis infection is usually not severe, and although it can be painful and uncomfortable, it can be treated with topical medications. Balanitis is a condition that is not contagious, which means it cannot be transmitted from one person to another.

Common Symptoms of Balanitis

  • Inflammation surrounding the tip of the penis
  • Smooth and taut skin covering the head of the penis
  • Unpleasant odor
  • The narrow opening of the skin at the end of the penis
  • Discomfort, tenderness, swelling, or a sensation of itching near the tip of the penis
  • Thick, chunky fluid coming out from beneath the foreskin
  • Discomfort while urinating
  • Sores present on the head of the penis
  • Enlarged glands in the vicinity of the penis

What Causes Balanitis?

Balanitis is often seen more frequently in uncircumcised men compared to those who are circumcised. Inadequate hygiene practices are the primary reason for balanitis. Because of poor hygiene, bacteria, fungi, and yeast can grow and increase in number underneath the foreskin in humid and dark conditions, resulting in infections. As a result of these infections, there is swelling in the head of the penis and occasionally also in the foreskin.

Treatment for Balanitis

The cause determines the balanitis treatment. In case a yeast infection causes balanitis, your doctor will recommend using an antifungal cream. Moreover, in case of a bacterial skin infection, it is recommended to use antibiotic cream and clean the affected area thoroughly. At times, taking antibiotic medication in pill form may be necessary. Maintaining a clean and dry area around the swollen skin is essential to prevent infection. Avoid skin lotions, soaps, or other chemicals that worsen the condition. For balanitis in men who are not circumcised, circumcision is the most effective treatment option. Circumcision involves removing the foreskin from the tip of the penis through a surgical procedure.

Bottom Line

Balanitis occurs when the tip of the penis swells due to poor hygiene and lack of circumcision. One can avoid the condition by avoiding harsh chemicals and cleaning daily. When diagnosing the condition, a doctor will likely examine for any underlying conditions and address them to assist in the recovery of balanitis. You can also get affordable, high-quality, and adequate balanitis treatment online. You will find online doctors who ensure they offer the best services.

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