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Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) -What It Is, Signs, & Prevention!

As is obvious by the name, people with APD or auditory processing disorders have a hard time hearing things. They can hear what you are saying, but they may hear something different than what is being said. For example, when you say, “Please raise your hand,” they might hear “Please praise your band.” 

APD often begins in childhood, but people of any age can have the condition. Some people develop it later on. Kids with APD can experience learning delays. That is why it is important to do an Audiologie Centre Ouest évaluation acouphènes so that your children do not feel insecure or underconfident at school or among their peers. 

What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Also known as central auditory processing disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder is a hearing problem that affects about 3% to 5% of school children. Children with this condition cannot understand what they hear the same way other people do. Their brains and ears do not work together properly. Sometimes, their brains do not process what their ears have heard, and they hear something else. 

However, thanks to advancements in technology and successful research studies, there are solutions and strategies to improve. Early diagnosis is very important and probably the most important step for this condition. If it is not diagnosed and treatment is not begun early, it could advance with time. 

What are the symptoms of APD?

APD can affect a child in various ways. They may not be able to hear, write, spell, or even speak properly. They may mix up words, making it difficult to speak to other people. They may also take too long to form a response. 

Here are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Follow conversations
  • Recognize where a sound is coming from
  • Listen to music
  • Remember spoken instructions, especially if there are various steps involved
  • Understand what people say. This is more prominent in places with loud music or where multiple people are talking. 

Treatment of APD

It is important to understand that even though there have been various advancements in the field, there is not a single guaranteed method to treat APD. Here are some approaches your doctor may take:

  • Adjusting the environment to aid in hearing. For example, informing the teachers about the child’s condition. 
  • Teaching active listening and other strategies to the child.
  • Direct treatment, such as computer-assisted programs, one-on-one therapy sessions, etc. 

The effectiveness of the programs depends on the child and the severity of the issue. Not every case of APD is the same, so not all methods will work for everyone. Seeing a qualified and experienced doctor to ensure accurate diagnosis is highly crucial. 

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